
Want to get serious about pursuing a career in disability or community care? You can start with a School Based Traineeship and be ahead of the game when you finish your senior school studies!

School Based Traineeships are a combination of school, part time employment in the disability and community care sector and vocational study.

A school based trainee can attain a nationally recognised vocational qualification and a senior school certificate, as well as valuable experience through paid employment.

projectABLE traineeships


real people, real stories

Brodie Cottam, School based traineeBrodie started her school-based traineeship with Valmar Support Services in early 2009. Here, Brodie worked alongside staff in a range of capacities, such as taking clients on outings and group activities and appointments, providing one on one support and completing administrative jobs. The impact of the program on staff was also positive with many obvious changes in their approach to work and in supporting trainees.

When Linda and Gaye came to our school to promote the program, I was in year 10 and something about what they were saying sparked an interest in me. We were always doing something different and the staff at Valmar are really supportive.

Read more about Brodie’s story on the carecareers website

If you are interested in finding out more about traineeship options, contact your projectABLE Coordinator in your state or territory.

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